Magnets have two poles, North and South. It is based on Nature’s law. Every cell in the human body can be viewed as a small magnetic unit. This property is present in all organs. Each cell produces its own magnetic field. Any disturbance in this magnetic field indicates a disorder. This equilibrium can be restored with the help of magnets, according to many researchers.
Technically, magnetism works because it increases the speed of sedimentation of suspended particles in water (and other liquids) and enhances conductivity as well as the process of ionization or dissociation of atoms and molecules into electrically charged particles. (New Scientist, June 1992.)
Physics shows that chemicals change weight under the influence of magnetic fields; so does water. More hydroxyl (OH-) ions are created to form calcium bicarbonate and other alkaline molecules. It is these molecules that help reduce acidity.
Normal tap water has a pH level of about 7, whereas magnetized water can reach 7.8 pH after exposure to a 7000 gauss strength magnet for a long period of time. Cancer cells do not survive well in an alkaline environment.
Magnets also affect the bonding angle between the hydrogen and the oxygen atom in the water molecule. Magnetized water causes the hydrogen-oxygen bond angle within the water molecule to be reduced from 104 to 103 degrees. This in turn causes the water molecule to cluster together in groups of 6-7 rather than 10-12. The smaller cluster leads to better absorption of water across cell walls. There have been numerous reports, of those drinking magnetized water daily, of people being cured of many chronic degenerative disease such as renal stones and arthritis.
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Tags: chemistry, health benefits, magnetized water, Physics